Beautiful Quotes in English 

Insha Allah One day you will say “ya Allah . this is what I prayed for . Alhamdulillah.

Ya Allah AlHAMDULILLAH for all the hidden blessing that I was unable to THANKYOU.

Quran is the best medicine for the heart, mind and Soul.

FAJR Every morning is beautiful when we talk to Allah first.

Allah always answers your request maybe not with a “yes” , but always with “WHAT IS BEST”.

The body has so many needs but soul has only one. To be with Allah.

Yes he is the King of my heart , My Beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD.

Sabar just as Allah turns night into day, he will soon turn our burdens into blessing.

“DUA” The Best Gift…… You Can Give Someone is “DUA”.

Life is test, Islam is best , Namaz is must, Aakhrat is for rest. World is onlydust, If quran is in chest, nothing need next. Obey Allah first, Success will be next

“until we realize that it is only Allah who is the SOURCE OF PEACE, we will never be able to attain true PEACE OF MIND.

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